When a Parent Dies: Dealing with the Loss of Your Mother or Father By David Kessler This is spot on. I guess until you go through this you will never know. #parents #love #grief #davidkessler #survivor #iamstillawoman When a parent of an adult dies, there is almost an unspoken expectation that it will not hit you head on. An adult is expected to accept death as a part of life, to handle all sudden losses in an appropriate adult manner. But really, what does that mean? That you should not be sad? That you should be so grateful they didn’t die when you were a child that you don’t need to mourn your parent? The above considerations demonstrate an under-estimation of grief. Grief is the reflection of the connection that has been lost. That loss does not diminish because you are an adult or because your mother or father lived a long life. Our society places enormous pressure on us to get over loss, to get through the grief. But how long do you grieve for the man who was your
Hi my name is Nina-Ann I am a twice cancer survivor. Surviving cancer twice is a tough gig. I am sharing my journey to help others. I have written a book also. I am covering cancer, double mastectomy, chemotherapy, family and friends. My blog has lots of information, helpful and a few things to brighten your day. I am a cancer advocate. My story is happy, sad and inspirational. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=i+am+still+a+woman&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-au&client=safari