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Showing posts from 2017

Quote of the day - Yoko Ono

Start dreaming of love. First imagine a mirror in which you see and love yourself. That love you create, will go all over the world, and make people feel good. Yoko Ono #yokoono #quote #quoteoftheday #survivor #iamstillawoman

Quote of the day - SheQuotes

"Never live to work - always work to live!" ~ @MsUnderestimate #SheQuotes #quote #quoteoftheday #worktolive

The pheonix rises from the Ashes - Survivor

This is history and tomorrow is a mystery The Pheonix rises from the ashes Look how far we have come #salvationarmy #survivor #thankgodforthesalvos #cancer #breastcancer

Winding down the year - Survivor

Hi peeps, Well the year is coming to an end! It's certainly been a year of ups and downs. Very happy for most people around me. They have been amazing and certainly happy for their progress this year, I have enjoyed watching my friends and family go from strength to strength. This is what we pray for everyone to be happy and content. There was a big disappointment in a friend. But that's life next year will see me and all the people I love grow stronger, so it's best to flick the toxic ones. Cancer checks this year for all of you doing them. Fantastic to get good results. For all of you fighting a battle this year. I hope your new year brings much health your way, I admire your strength and you know you can do this. Today I am sitting at my desk reflecting on a marvellous year. I look forward to 2018 bringing us lots of wonderful things. To health, wealth and happiness for us all. A friend of 20 years just sent me the most beautiful message that has made my day! You kno

Quote of the day - Yoko Ono

Don't forget how beautiful the planet can be. And the beauty of the Universe surrounding us. The sun rising. The moon rising. The stars shining. What a great symphony! #beautifulplanet #yokoono #quote #quoteoftheday #quote

Quote of the day - Yoko Ono

Don't stop yourself from being upset. That's not your inner demons. Just you. You are human and allowed to be upset. #quoteoftheday #yokoono #quote

Quote of the day - Maya Angelou

I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way (s)he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights."  Maya Angelou   #quoteoftheday #learning #mayaangelou 

Quote of the day - Toni Morrison

"You wanna fly, you got to give up the shit that weighs you down." ~ Toni Morrison  #quote #SQN #quoteoftheday #tonimorrison

Quote of the day - She quotes

"Your own opinion of yourself is the only one that really counts."  ~ #SheQuotes #Quote #breastcancer #pink #survivor #girlsfighthard

Quote of the day ~ Fight like a girl

Don't be afraid to keep trying. You never know what might work until you try it! #fightlikeagirl #survivor #mother #friend #breastcancersucks 

Quote of the day - Connie Garner

"Three people in my life who I can always rely on & never let me down: me, myself and I.  ~ Connie Garner/ @msworldfitness #SheQuotes #memyselfandI

New chapter seeing your children successful and happy

Being a mum is fantastic. It's the highest of highes and the lowest of lowes. High is happy for them enjoying everything. The only lows is when they have a problem or going through something and you can't help them. In both my cancer battles I was afraid I would not  be here see this. I am so lucky I am here to see this. 3 amazing sons, 3 successful jobs and wonderful lives. Experienced my second sons wedding 👰 that was amazing. I am lucky to have lovely girls coming into my family now. So life is very exciting. My family is going next year with the first grandchild coming in, what  a way to bring in the new year with a baby. We are all very excited. The baby shower was last week. You know it's so funny they are so lucky these days. Remember cloth nappies buckets around the house. They only use disposable nappies now. I can remember having 20 nappies soaking and washing was piling up, the new mums seem to have it pretty easy indeed. Well the start of 2018 introduces a

Is it the age of loss - circle of life

It's funny you get to an age where your life is perfect. You sort out the people you want around. That's easy life is very easy. Now what I have noticed this year is while we are getting sorted out and planning next year. Our parents are getting older just in the last couple of months watching 2 very lovely parents pass away. Well you see because we are all 50's our parents are all late 70's. Ann and I have been friends 47 years she is wonderful. She lost her Dad in September. The funeral was in Harden NSW. Then 10 weeks ago Jill lost her mum. A stronge lady who has had Lupos a long time. So standing at the parents funeral is the time we reflect on all we have done. Well girls we have been supporting each other for years in all the very wonderful things. Marriage, engagement, babies, christening, divorve and now at the end of the line the loss of a parent. It's wonderful to reflect how lucky we are to have had wonderful parents. Supporting my friends through thic

Quote of the day - Yoko Ono

I just love these quotes! Hope you enjoy them as much as me. You have to find out for yourself. Yoko Ono #yokoono #quotes #life #survivor #iamstillawoman

Friends the good and the evil

Is it the green eyed monster or just woman can't help themselves. Well here we go, this is important as it's seems common. Watch these people they are vindictive and seems it's the ones that don't have much of a life! So why all the drama. Me .... no idea. This girl well 43 year old that has been my friend for 10 years and bitched and groaned about so many people behind their backs, did the same to me, confided in her something and I said I am only telling you this no one else. So she runs with it! Tells people so now my stuff has come back through 3 sources. 2 which she hates. Gee I also said to her a month before that I want to tell people my stuff, you can't tell people my stuff. Especially when I say I am only telling you. Again now another time so 3 times I asked her, so she just goes behind my back anyway! To others she does this it's a secret,don't tell I told you!! Wow are we in kindergarten again. So I have it out with her! Gets really good here.

Funny quote of the day - She Quotes

"Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died." ~ Erma Bombeck #quote #SQN #iamstillawoman

Colonoscopy and Endoscopy what are they?

Colonoscopy is an examination of the large intestine through a scope placed into the body at the rectum. It is performed routinely every 10 years beginning at age 50 unless symptoms require the study be done earlier. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is an examination of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. It is done to evaluate symptoms only. Combining the two procedures allows them to be done with one dose of anesthesia, which is safer. Now  It's that fun time of the year again. Tomorrow I have my yearly tests. Just a precaution. They are easy tests really,  it's just the lead up. Drinking the 3 sachets of gunk to clean out your system. I am on fluids only today preparing. I wonder if gin and vodka could be deemed ok? Well they are clear fluids!!!  Probably not but hey what can you do it's worth a try. So today I wasn't allowed my morning coffee, jezzzz I had to have tea so I have already broken my routine. Not a terribly good start to the day. Then guess

Melbourne cup - you have to do this once

Well today in Australia 🇦🇺, the nation stops for our annual Melbourne Cup Day. Spring racing season  is a wonderful time of the year. Truly no one wants to work today. But we do. Normally I would be at a luncheon. Today across the country there is luncheons, fashions parades, horse betting, horse sweeps and champagne flowing, but I am at work argggg Never mind it was on my bucket list and I did it. It's one of those things you would love to do once, so I have done the big tick off. It's a glamorous day! Fashion is spectacular the vibe is amazing. I was lucky enough to be in the famous Bird Cage. It was so exciting, celebreties mania. I talked to Sophie Monk, Lisa Wilkinson, Jamie Packer (he is so tall), Kerry Ann Kennelly. My advice is maybe don't go into the general section, it looked pretty packed. If you can and you're only doing it once do it in style. Melbournes weather is unpredictable so you don't want to be stuck in a crowed place. The extra money on

Quote of the day - Dalai Lama

The most crucial use of knowledge and education is to understand the importance of developing a good heart. #dalailama  +Dalai Lama  #survivor #quotes #iamstillawoman

Inflammatory Breast Cancer - what is it?

Inflammatory breast cancer blocks certain vessels in the skin covering the breast. The breasts become red, swollen and tender. Other symptoms include a rapid change in breast appearance, thickness or heaviness, along with unusual warmth. Treatments include chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. #breastcancer #awareness #inflammatory #iamstillawoman #cancer Consult a doctor for medical advice

Breast Cancer - To feel or not to feel?

Well not being prepared for a double mastectomy is one thing! Please don't get me wrong I feel I made the right choice to have it. Due to genes and  being my second Cancer etc. but my chest is still dead. Hard to explain but I can't feel anything. The skin has repaired I feel skin. But underneath my chest feels like it's not there. Doesn't make sense I know but I don't have feeling it's like a black hole. 9 years on it hasn't changed. So in the beginning I did read in an article some woman may get some feeling back. I guess it's not me, I would love to hear from others going through this. Are you the same? Example I dropped a 12 kilo box from above my head by accident. It landed on my chest, felt nothing but I got winded badly. So I guess that would have hurt. Then in the morning had a gigantic bruise. So this is evidence that it would have hurt if I could feel it. I guess if I was going to feel anything it should have happened by now! I have learnt

Quote of the day Yoko Ono

When we are walking through life staring at the ground, it is nice to remind ourselves about the sky. Yoko Ono #yokoono #inspiration #quoteoftheday

October Breast Cancer month - where am I up too?

Gee I looked at the date today and yes October 2008 seems long ago. I guess it is. Now 9 years in I have survived this ordeal. For all of us survivors I am sure there is a proud moment of wow. I am still here. By no means am I saying there is no physical or mental scars. There are a lot, but there is an over whelming sense of success and gratitude as well. I am feeling lucky to be alive. So to all those survivors out there. I give you a massive congratulations and a pat on the back. To all the beautiful people we lost I applaud you for putting up the fight of your life. Community is supporting each other through thick and thin. #breastcancerawareness #survivor #tributetothosewhomnevermadeit #feelinglucky #breastcancermonth #october #pinkribbon #iamstillawoman

Quote of the day - Yoko Ono

Love is forever. Once you know, you can never unknow. Took Ono #love #survivor #lifestooshort #yokoono #quotes

Quote of the day - Bette Davis

"When a man gives his opinion he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion she's a bitch." ~ Bette Davis #quote #SQN

Loosing your Mother Cancer - grieving nightmare

My mum has been gone now 18 years. Not a day goes past I still don't miss her and want to speak to her. Life is a weird thing we all rent this space only. Some of us will die young others live to be old or 100 if you are very lucky. Between accidents, disease or just in the wrong place at he wrong time it can all end. As we grow up parents are the protectors of the family, when you loose one the other is totally lost. This has happened to me and my 2 sisters. Dad is certainly not the man he used to be. A soul mate comes along every now and then. I know my grief has been massive, I can only imagine the heart ache of losing your other half. My mother lived 53 years only. Gee that's my age next birthday. It's not old at all. When I lost my mother is was an all nighter no sleep she slipped into a coma and never woke, it all happened very quickly. Dad was the only one allowed in as she was in intensive care. My sisters and I on top of no sleep lots of stress started to fight

Quote of the day - Yoko Ono

We all have superpowers. You included. I hope you are using yours to make your life a joyful one. Yoko Ono #yokoono #superpowers #quote #quoteoftheday #iamstillawoman

Quote of the day - MsCyprah

"Always be yourself! Those who like u will value & nurture u. Those who don't will pass by & save u the stress!" ~ @MsCyprah #quote #iamstillawoman 

Quote of the day ~ Yoko Ono

Peace starts with your heart, your family, your home. Peace is here now. It may be invisible to many, but it is. #PeaceDay #yokoono #quoteoftheday #iamstillawoman

Quote of the day ~ Yoko Ono

I stay motivated by listening to myself. That's all we can do in the end. You should, too. #yokoono #quotes #quoteoftheday #iamstillawoman #survivor

Quote of the day - Alyssa Knight

Count your rainbows, not your thunderstorms. ~ Alyssa Knight #alyssaknight #rainbows #survivor #iamstillawoman

Cancer the second time!

Get through being shot once. The gun is now reloaded and going to shoot me for the second time. You know what! Is it worse the second time? Ok so you know where you are headed, that can be good or bad because it the way you look at it. Ok the good, maybe I can get through this I have done it once before. The bad, omg 😲 I know this Road and it's really hard and really long, really shitty! I can't do this again can I?? Ok you all know that have been through this it's a machine gun going off.... that noise is deafening. I took a walk to see how my head was going. The tears started to fall by the millions, I am now more scared, my boys, my life! Helllll The more I walked the more I cried, then I ran and so did more tears. Then I fell. I could hear everything but I couldn't absorb my thoughts. Was I walking to hell. I have been there before and it's not nice! How to sugar coat Cancer.. you can't and you won't. If why me didn't come screaming through my h

Cancer diagnosis - trauma

When I was 24 being told you have stage 4 cancer is a really big blow! Massive I remember everything about that time. I try to hide it. In the day 28 years ago, I was young, I was in denial, I was petrified. I thought I was bullet proof, but then don't we all think that, I didn't know much about cancer only that it kills people, why me. Been married 3 years paying off my first home. Pregnant 19.5 weeks with my first baby. Life was amazing and wonderful. What changed! The answer is everything and everyone. I wanted to hide from the world. I had this big idea to keep it a secret as I couldn't stand that people may write me off or scare me more, was this a great plan, maybe NoT! But it was the only plan I had. Young minds don't cope but then is there ever a time good to be given that kind of news. No way! Fear is the worst, it makes things bigger, scarier and being given 8 weeks to live. I thought that was enough to kill me in itself. They put me in the terminally ill

Quote of the day ~ Isabelle Allende

"Heart is what drives us and determines our fate."  ~ @isabelallende #quote #quotes #SQN #iamstillawoman

Quote of the day ~ Sunday SheQuotes

"Do what you love and love what you do. " ~ @lifequotes_82 #SheQuotes #quote #iamstillawoman #survivor

Flora Pro Activ Buttery ~ confidence after chemo and hair grows back

2011 after going through double mastectomy,chemotherapy, hysterectomy, Oophorectomy, breast reconstruction and just loosing my mind I landed a lead role in an advert on TV.  2008 it all began the horror the nightmare. This is 2011 hair growning back a new me Imerging.  Proud of all the challenges this Flora Pro Activ really works. So it was fun and lowered my cholesterol.  #gettinghealthy #floraproactivbuttery #survivor #newvoyage

Quote of the day ~ Annette M Bridges

"Be who you were born to be, not who you learned to be." ~ @AnnetteMBridges #SheQuotes #quote

Connie Johnson in memory of you

What a lady. Put up an incredible fight raising awareness and launching a very successful campaign,  RIP Connie love your sister.  #loveyoursister #conniejohnson #charity #awareness #checkbreasts  Her death was announced a day after she received one of the nation's highest honours. Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove dropped by Connie's bed at a Canberra hospice on Thursday to award the mother-of-two a Medal of the Order of Australia in recognition of her tireless work for others battling breast cancer. Connie Johnson, the founder of the Love Your Sister cancer charity, has died. Her brother Samuel Johnson confirmed that Connie died on Friday evening in a Canberra hospice  on the charity's Facebook page . Connie was diagnosed with terminal cancer seven years ago. "She went so richly and with such grace. Trust me, she was genuinely cushioned by your love, till the end," her brother wrote. "It was so beautiful. We laughed, we cried, we sa

Quote of the day ~ Erma Bombeck

"People shop for a bathing suit with more care than they do a husband or wife. The rules are the same."  ~ Erma Bombeck #quote  #SQN #ermabombeck #life #quoteoftheday

Breast cancer in Men ~ Possible symptoms

Possible symptoms of breast cancer to watch for include: A lump or swelling, which is usually (but not always) painless. Skin dimpling or puckering. Nipple retraction (turning inward) Redness or scaling of the nipple or breast skin. Discharge from the nipple. Prevention is better than cure. If you see any of these symptoms contact your doctor. In America fathers have passed it on to their daughters. So same as us ladies, get your man to do the same check. #malecancer #malebreastcancer #symptoms #survivor #jeansforgenesday

Quote of the day ~ Helen Keller

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."   ~ Helen Keller  #quote #SQN #helenkeller #survivor #iamstillawoman

Quote of the day ~ Yoko Ono

My ultimate goal is to do my best every day, so when I am ready to pass away to the other side, I can say I did. And I see myself smiling. Yoko Ono #yokoono #quoteoftheday #survivor #quotes #iamstillawoman

Cervical Cancer

What is cervical cancer? Cervical cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the lining of the cervix. Cancer most commonly begins in the area of the cervix called the  transformation zone , but it may spread to tissues around the cervix, such as the vagina, or to other parts of the body, such as the lungs or liver. There are 11 signs to watch out for.  #cancercouncil #cervicalcancer #prevention  Read more at

Quote of the day ~ Courtney Hope

If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies, how very different our ideals of beauty would be. ✨ ~ Courtney Hope  #quotes @thecourtneyhope #iamstillawoman #quoteoftheday

Making a purpose out of caos ~ Cancer

When bad things happen we seem to always say why me??? Boy have I said this a thousand times!!! Well really everyone goes through some bad things. That is life. You are just going amazing along this little train track and boom!!! Your hit onto a new track. A different one, it's a new path I guess I call it. It takes time to find your way! I think you know what I am trying to say. As its so traumatic a life threatening disease, it's a lucky hard thing to survive. But as a survivor we can help people, if you save one life you have done a great thing, my blog is important to me. I was so afraid, too many choices and big words I never understood. So just maybe this was my new path. To help others so they don't get scared as I did. #newpath #sharing #helper #nevergiveup #iamstillawoman

Quote of the day ~ Brandi Synder

“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.”  –Brandi Snyder #brandisnyder #theworld #iamstillawoman #survivor #quotes #shequotes

Quote of the day ~ SheQuotes

"Growing older is a privilege no matter what age you are."  ~  #shequotes #quote #aging #beauty #wisdom #iamstillawoman

Quote of day ~ a dogs life ~ Josh Billings

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself . - Josh Billings #quote #joshbillings #dogs #ilovedogs #iamstillawoman

Falling pregnant after Cancer and Chemo scarey ride!

28 years ago I had my first Cancer, I was young a baby 24. I lost my first baby and a rare Cancer formed. When we found this Cancer I was 19.5 weeks pregnant. It was placenta cancer. Double blood supply, pregnant body. It put this Cancer through my body stage4. I can't tell you how hard it was to be so you and in the terminally ill ward at George V hospital in Camperdown. They gave me 8 weeks to live! I lost my baby girl and nearly my own life. Today my first son is 27. I have tears in my eye writing this. Not only am I grateful to be alive. But 1990 saw the both of my first son. Now I have to be honest. My first pregnancy was not good and very scarey. I worried every day about my baby. I went to the doctor every single pain. My head was quiet done in. I think that's pretty normal. My body seemed to heal beautifully after the chemo. Can't say my mind did though. But on this day, Father's Day my first son was born. What a gift. Amongst the nerves and the fear the preg

Quote of the day ~ SheQuotes

"We looked at each other. Our hearts thundered, our thoughts struck like lightening, and the earth shook !"  ~ @Moonwalk2Truth #SheQuotes

Quote of the day

The difference between possible and impossible is determination 📸/  @adamkayphoto #quoteoftheday #quote #iamstillawoman #possible

Lady Diana ~ Candle in the wind

As it's the 20 year anniversary and music is so good for the soul! Elton John took us on a great memory for his friend Lady Diana. I love this song, I wanted everyone to turn this up today. William and Harry have done a great job suppporting all the charities.  #ladydiana #eltonjohn #williamandharry

Quote of the day ~ Yoko Ono

Find inspiration inside yourself. Start by looking at yourself in the mirror. That will give you an idea of what you have inside yourself. #yokoono #quotes #inspiration #iamstillawoman

Decisions Cancer treatment medicine vs Natural remedy

When you get diagnosed with Cancer there a big mind games that come into play. You second question thoughts,  remedies and did I make the right choice, the mind is the devils play ground indeed. But did I ?? Will I ?? can I ??? Seem to be playing that song! Doctors give their thoughts, I have my thoughts, people that have been through this have their thoughts, people that have never had Cancer actually gave their opinions through my friend died when she did that. So and so's mother did that and this happened!! You need go alternate or natural. Omg 😲 I thought my head would explode!!! Who do I listen to??? What if I make the wrong choice! It all got way too hard. Going to bed at night doing those awful reruns of a bad movie. Playing out the  ending seven different ways!! I think you know what I mean. I ask my doctor on success stories of treating Cancer naturally he goes one percent survival rate! Omg 😲 I am no gambler but if that was a horse race I would not go for those odds.

My heart is a ghost town ~ Adam Lambert

Adam Lambert, as you can tell I love ❤️ his music. He is a superstar. This song deserves the the volume full ball. #adamlambert #ghosttowm #iamstillawoman 

Quote of the day ~ Rita Mae Brown

"Lead me not into temptation. I can find it myself."  ~ Rita Mae Brown #SheQuotes #Quote #humour #temptation #ritamaebrown

Quote of the day - SheQuotes

"You can't scare me - I've got kids." ~ Unknown #SheQuotes #quote #iamstillawoman