I am a very confident woman, always have been. I think this happens to all of us, we have been somewhere and someone will say LOOK over there, that lady has Cancer because she is wearing a turban! Everyone stares. I have been on 2 cancer battles, at 24 it did not even enter my mind. Just to assure you that I never told anyone, my Mother, Father and Ian were the only ones that knew my voyage. When you get told you have 8 weeks to live, I really didn't want people to tell me I would die. So I created a secret. People would tell me how good I looked and I was fighting for my life......How ironic. Cancer battle number 2 saw at 43 and everyone knowing that life got a little out of control. I lost my confidence and when people were staring I said OMG they know I have cancer. Just so you know this is a little normal. You probably look great its just one of those thoughts that pops into your head. But really they may be looking past you. It will be ok!
Hi my name is Nina-Ann I am a twice cancer survivor. Surviving cancer twice is a tough gig. I am sharing my journey to help others. I have written a book also. I am covering cancer, double mastectomy, chemotherapy, family and friends. My blog has lots of information, helpful and a few things to brighten your day. I am a cancer advocate. My story is happy, sad and inspirational. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=i+am+still+a+woman&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-au&client=safari