13th August I had my 6th surgery Nipples. Breast Cancer battle and many surgeries later. There were 2 bandage changes in the first 2 weeks. Fairly weird pains and stabbing pains, What I will tell you is that I hate surgeries, also that I get scared of how many I have had to have also. But I have coped really well I think, that is way too many surgeries in a small amount of time. Since the removal of the second lot bandages I have been bleeding most nights on the sheets, so much washing. So just a little tip and that is to lay on a towel or something to save your sheets, as my left side seems to bleed more than the right. But I will say after the double mastectomy my right side (the cancer side) did not heal for a much longer time.I think the girls take it in turn... I think I am finally recovering and trying to get back to normal. I know the stitches after 2 weeks are starting to dissolve slowly. I hope to be back and sailing soon, oh and i am missing housework and work!! (NOT)
Hi my name is Nina-Ann I am a twice cancer survivor. Surviving cancer twice is a tough gig. I am sharing my journey to help others. I have written a book also. I am covering cancer, double mastectomy, chemotherapy, family and friends. My blog has lots of information, helpful and a few things to brighten your day. I am a cancer advocate. My story is happy, sad and inspirational. https://www.google.com.au/search?q=i+am+still+a+woman&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-au&client=safari