Five balls keep the cash $50,000 handy finance when I won the competition nobody told me that I had to keep five balls at further distances in ANZ Stadium in front of 30,000 people however I did my best five failures yes that's right I didn't know I got one ball to the states and that was a miracle but I had fun and 30,000 people cheered me on another great day #FunNewSouthWalesUpForTheHandyFinanceCashPrizeSadlyNo #iamstillawoman #nrl #kickforcash
Someone once wrote"... when i get really cold, or get goosebumbs all over my body, the whole things really scrunch up, like, my entire areola scrunches itself up into a wrinkled little mound. it looks really weird and ugly, and i haven't ever seen other people's breasts do it. what is wrong with my areola/nipples??" The answer: Well nothing is wrong. This is what my areola does too. It's a normal reaction to the coldness or to irritation / stimulation. The little muscles in the areola do a similar goosebump thing as your other skin can do. People often call this phenomenon "hard nipples". Also note that skin on areola has less feeling or sensation to it than other areas of your body. If the areola was very sensitive, then breastfeeding would probably be quite uncomfortable because the baby pulls and tugs it! The nipples are sensitive but the sensitivity changes with hormonal changes, such as occur at mestrual cycle or pregnancy. Also this v...
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