The thought of no nipples was hard.
Everyone told me they don't work. But me I had to have them.
$10.000 upfront payment
Wow 😳
My friend grew them under her arm hers were a lot more expensive!
Go figure they are so expensive,
Firstly I was going to keep the old and transplant them. I had some so why pay for it? But the cancer cells can be in them so it has to be ta ta,
Ok they break your rib and use that to do surgery. Without this they apparently disappear!
So I decided let's break my rib.
It's not like I am not scarred all over anyway. What's another faulty body part.
Ever cracked a rib ouch it hurts.... but it passes.
Well got well went to Avoca beach in my cossie. Feeling pretty happy I was sort of back together and not a barbie doll with scars.
Sitting there with friends I looked down and one was gone. You can't imagine the horror when I scream out where is my nipple to the girls???
Stupidly we start looking down my legs for a nipple! We were in shock.
Then my friend told me it's floating in my body and will block my heart!
Omg do I have a heart all I have been through. I doubt it.
See the doctor this is where we should go in the first place! Don't do google search it always looks like you might die when Dr Google comes along!
Ok sighhhhh!
My body ate my nipple'!
I know why!!!! Why!!! No idea.
So another surgery had to argue to get it for free.
9 years on I still have my nipples and they are sort of in the same place.
Phewwww what a relief!
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