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Domestic violence - the serial wife basher

Tracey Jewel this week has spoken out to protect other woman. Which is great, Tracey Jewel is a great example going through it.
My story,
Met an older man, 15 years older which is workable so I thought.
He was 63 and me 48. He was a dashing older gentlemen, an old soul, caring, sophisticated, funny and most of all entertaining.
My friend Zu introduced us. But where from here. Ok yep it was the greatest 10 months. Romantic and fun. Met the family loved them.  Looked after his 13 year old daughter when she came to visit which was fun.
He was famous but I got to get used to this and he loved attention so that was ok. I had actually seen a couple of episodes of violence after he had been drinking but I didn't ever think he would direct it at me.
His family was great, my family loved him although Dad was concerned for the age gap. As he looks older and I looks a bit younger we look like there is a bigger age gap. My friends adored him. We all loved the very special dinner that's he cooked. He loved cooking and he was Devine yep and we did watch Masterchef together, his favourite show.
We went away heaps had an amazing trip to Melbourne Cup driving. Hey for fun his music was classical and Mozart mine pop can you imagine that going on for a 10 hour drive lol 😂.
We had lots in common. We loved lots of the same things. He treated me and my kids very well. I actually thought I had it all.
But I missed the cracks appearing in his weird friends. Not all of them half of them were delightful. The other half opposing our relationship. Telling him I was using him, I would play up and blah blah.
We discussed this as it was worrying him. I absolutely thought we had gotten through it all.
But one Friday night rainy we had a dinner party with all his friends and some of mine. Zu was in Melbourne on business so she wAsnt around.
That night he was in the kitchen preparing blueberry risotto for entree served with Parmesan cheese in little gold and white cups. Gold spoons of course.
The guests arrived it was champagne all around laughing and enjoying a lovely meal and great company.
His friends started fun picking on me. But it was in Jest there are lots of digs. My man was drinking with them
Champagne to scotch - scotch to wine he was very jolly you could say.
By midnight it was pretty done everyone saying good night and moving to the lift, we were living in this amazing Art Deco apartment at Elizabeth bay in Sydney looking over the water.
So I head in to pack up the table heading straight for crystal glasses one in each hand.
As I passed the door this sounds ridiculous but he had red eyes. !! I know right what's wrong with this picture.  .... a lot
He snapped me around my neck dragging me 10 metres, he was drunk, swearing cursing and strangling me, what the hell!
We headed for the door, I had to keep my feet up, to avoid chocking, we get to the door I am martial arts 🥋 trained. I flippped him so I was behind I kicked him in the back when he came back for me, I broke his ornamental antique walking stick into 3 parts to use them as a weapon.
He ran he turned his phone off..... he could have killed me!!
I sat on the floor and cried what was going on.
His children and x told me then he was a wife beater with a lot of years experience doing this. He had thrown his x down stairs chocking her telling her he would kill her.
I have had a few relationships in my time, but never a violent one.
I called Zu she flew straight home to be with me.
Serial wife beater!
Ok I am smart, I can't stay here it's going to happen again look at the history, so I left. You have to leave.
He never ever said sorry, he made it out that it was my fault it happened. We never spoke for ages.
He has married again now. She is 2 years older than him, so atleast his friends must be happy.
I was called gold digger and opportunist, his friends ruined us.
But then I think it was never meant to be.
Never ever let someone do that too you.
#domesticviolence #traceyjewel #istillawoman #stop #noviolence


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