Breast feeding is amazing, I fed the whole 3 of my boys, it is not easy though takes some patience and pain. But if you can get through that you are doing well. If you can't there are some really good formula's I believe. Its a personnel choice which way you go but I am glad that I did it. Here is how our body works to make the milk.
In each of your breasts are mammary glands, which are organs that produce breastmilk. Within each mammary gland are different parts which play a role in making breastmilk:
Alveoli. These are where breastmilk is made. Alveoli are clusters of small grape-like sacs in your breast. They are surrounded by tiny muscles that squeeze them to push milk out into the ductules.
- Ductules. These are small canals that carry milk from the alveoli into the main milk ducts.
- Milk ducts. These are the intricate network of canals which carry milk from the ductules and alveoli straight to your baby. Think of your milk ducts as individual straws that all end at the tip of your nipple and deliver milk into your baby's mouth. The ducts increase in size and number during pregnancy. You may have nine or so in each breast by the time you start breastfeeding.
After your baby has been born and you have delivered the placenta, the oestrogen and progesterone levels in your body start to drop. This makes way for the hormone prolactin to be released from the pituitary gland in your brain.
#iamstillawoman #breastmilk #breastfeeding
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